Configuring Contexthub to Segment pages with Adobe AEM
Personalisation allows you to customize your pages, providing a way to set different configuration for components, depending on the current segment.
To set everything that is needed is a long and boring task. This page will provide a guide in everything that needs to be configured to enable segmentation on Adobe AEM.
Enabling ContextHub
1) The first task is to enable ContextHub. You can do it by acessing `Tools` -> `General` -> `Configuration Browser`;
2) Mark your website folder and click `Properties`;
3) Make sure the checkbox "ContextHub segments" is selected, then click on `Save & Close`.
Creating a Brand
To use ContextHub it is required that you create a Brand. It will be used later when targeting your pages.
1) Go to `Dashboard` -> `Personalisation` -> `Activities`;
2) Click on `Create` -> `Create Brand`.
3) Just follow the wizard until you have your brand created.
Create your custom Configuration Container
The customized configuration container will make it possible to create and configure fields that will be later used to create audiences (segments).
1) Go to `Tools` -> `Sites` -> `ContextHub`;
2) Click the "Create" button and follow the wizard to create your Configuration Container folder;
3) Click on the created folder to open it;
4) Inside the created folder, click on the "Context Configuration" folder to open it;
5) This is the place you will have to create `Stores`, `Ui Modes` and `Ui Modules` configurations.