Including the AEM Core Component 2.0 in your project

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1) Edit aem-guides-wknd/pom.xml and add the following dependencies in the <dependencies> section:


2) Edit aem-guides-wknd/core/pom.xml. Add the core.wcm.components.core dependency to the dependency list. Notice that it is not necessary to specify a version, as the version is managed at the Parent pom. It is a best practice to always manage dependency versions within the Parent pom.


3) Edit aem-guides-wknd/ui.apps/pom.xml. Add the core.wcm.components.all zip as a dependency in the dependency list.


4) Edit aem-guides-wknd/ui.apps/pom.xml. Include core.wcm.components.all zip as a sub-package. This will deploy the Core Components package along with the WKND code each time. Beneath the embeddeds tag add a new tag for subPackages and specify the core.wcm.components.all artifactId.


5) To verify that it works, go to the Package Manager. You should see listed three new items:
