W3C Acessibility Examples
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- Accordion Example demonstrates a form divided into three sections using an accordion to show one section at a time.
- Button Examples of clickable HTML div and span elements made into accessible command and toggle buttons.
- Simple Two-State Checkbox Example Demonstrates a simple 2-state checkbox.
- Tri-State Checkbox Example Demonstrates how to make a widget that uses the mixed value for aria-checked and group collection of checkboxes with a field set.
- ARIA 1.1 Combobox with Listbox Popup Comboboxes that demonstrate the various forms of autocomplete behavior using a listbox popup and use the ARIA 1.1 implementation pattern.
- ARIA 1.1 Combobox with Grid Popup A combobox that presents suggestions in a grid, enabling users to navigate descriptive information about each suggestion.
- ARIA 1.0 Combobox with Both List and Inline Autocomplete A combobox that demonstrates the autocomplete behavior known as list with inline autocomplete and uses the ARIA 1.0 implementation pattern.
- ARIA 1.0 Combobox with List Autocomplete A combobox that demonstrates the autocomplete behavior known as list with manual selection and uses the ARIA 1.0 implementation pattern.
- ARIA 1.0 Combobox Without Autocomplete A combo box that demonstrates the behavior associated with aria-autocomplete=none and uses the ARIA 1.0 implementation pattern.
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- Layout Grid Examples Three example implementations of grids that are used to lay out widgets, including a collection of navigation links, a message recipients list, and a set of search results.
- Data Grid Examples Three example implementations of grid that include features relevant to presenting tabular information, such as content editing, sort, and column hiding.
- Advanced Data Grid Example Example of a grid with behaviors and features similar to a typical spreadsheet, including cell and row selection.
- Link Examples Link widgets constructed from HTML span and div elements.
- Scrollable Listbox Example Single-select listbox that scrolls to reveal more options, similar to HTML select with size attribute greater than one.
- Collapsible Dropdown Listbox Example Single-select collapsible listbox that expands when activated, similar to HTML select withthe attribute size="1".
- Example Listboxes with Rearrangeable Options Examples of both single-select and multi-select listboxes with accompanying toolbars where options can be added, moved, and removed.
Menu bar
- Navigation Menubar Example Demonstrates a menubar that provides site navigation.
- Editor Menubar Example Demonstrates menu radios and menu checkboxes in submenus of a menubar that provides text formatting commands for a text field.
Menu button
- Navigation Menu Button A menu button made from an HTML a element that opens a menu of items that behave as links.
- Action Menu Button Example Using element.focus() A menu button made from an HTML button element that opens a menu of actions or commands where focus in the menu is managed using element.focus().
- Action Menu Button Example Using aria-activedescendant A button that opens a menu of actions or commands where focus in the menu is managed using aria-activedescendant.
Radio group
- Horizontal Slider Examples Demonstrates using three horizontally aligned sliders to make a color picker.
- Slider Examples with aria-orientation and aria-valuetext Three thermostat control sliders that demonstrate using aria-orientation and aria-valuetext.
- Multi-Thumb Slider Examples Demonstrates two-thumb sliders for picking price ranges for an airline flight and hotel reservation.
- Table Example ARIA table made using HTML div and span elements.
- Tabs With Automatic Activation A tabs widget where tabs are automatically activated and their panel is displayed when they receive focus.
- Tabs With Manual Activation A tabs widget where users activate a tab and display its panel by pressing Space or Enter.
- Toolbar Example A toolbar that uses roving tabindex to manage focus and contains several buttons, including a menu button.
- File Directory Treeview Example Using Computed Properties A file selector tree that demonstrates browser support for automatically computing aria-level, aria-posinset and aria-setsize based on DOM structure.
- File Directory Treeview Example Using Declared Properties A file selector tree that demonstrates how to explicitly define values for aria-level, aria-posinset and aria-setsize.
- Navigation Treeview Example Using Computed Properties A tree that provides navigation to a set of web pages and demonstrates browser support for automatically computing aria-level, aria-posinset and aria-setsize based on DOM structure.
- Navigation Treeview Example Using Declared Properties A tree that provides navigation to a set of web pages and demonstrates how to explicitly define values for aria-level, aria-posinset and aria-setsize.
Reference: https://www.w3.org/TR/2017/NOTE-wai-aria-practices-1.1-20171214/