W3C Acessibility Examples
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- Accordion Example demonstrates a form divided into three sections using an accordion to show one section at a time.
- Button Examples of clickable HTML div and span elements made into accessible command and toggle buttons.
- Simple Two-State Checkbox Example Demonstrates a simple 2-state checkbox.
- Tri-State Checkbox Example Demonstrates how to make a widget that uses the mixed value for aria-checked and group collection of checkboxes with a field set.
- ARIA 1.1 Combobox with Listbox Popup Comboboxes that demonstrate the various forms of autocomplete behavior using a listbox popup and use the ARIA 1.1 implementation pattern.
- ARIA 1.1 Combobox with Grid Popup A combobox that presents suggestions in a grid, enabling users to navigate descriptive information about each suggestion.
- ARIA 1.0 Combobox with Both List and Inline Autocomplete A combobox that demonstrates the autocomplete behavior known as list with inline autocomplete and uses the ARIA 1.0 implementation pattern.
- ARIA 1.0 Combobox with List Autocomplete A combobox that demonstrates the autocomplete behavior known as list with manual selection and uses the ARIA 1.0 implementation pattern.
- ARIA 1.0 Combobox Without Autocomplete A combo box that demonstrates the behavior associated with aria-autocomplete=none and uses the ARIA 1.0 implementation pattern.