Ferramentas de rede

Categoria: Linux Ubuntu
Publicado em 13 de Setembro de 2014


Queries network interfaces and can also set various parameters such as the speed.


Displays all active connections and routing tables. Useful for monitoring performance and troubleshooting.


Scans open ports on a network. Important for security analysis


Dumps network traffic for analysis.


Monitors network traffic in text mode.


A network requires the connection of many nodes. Data moves from source to destination by passing through a series of routers and potentially across multiple networks. Servers maintain routing tables containing the addresses of each node in the network. The IP Routing protocols enable routers to build up a forwarding table that correlates final destinations with the next hop addresses. route is used to view or change the IP routing table. You may want to change the IP routing table to add, delete or modify specific (static ) routes to specific hosts or networks. The table explains some commands that can be used to manage IP routing.

Task Command
Show current routing table $ route –n
Add static route $ route add -net address
Delete static route $ route del -net address


traceroute is used to inspect the route which the data packet takes to reach the destination host which makes it quite useful for troubleshooting network delays and errors. By using traceroute you can isolate connectivity issues between hops, which helps resolve them faster.


ip is a very powerful program that can do many things. Older (and more specific) utilities such as ifconfig and route are often used to accomplish similar tasks. A look at the relevant man pages can tell you much more about these utilities.

To view the IP address:

$ /sbin/ip addr show

To view the routing information:

$ /sbin/ip route show

route is used to view or change the IP routing table. You may want to change the IP routing table to add, delete or modify specific (static ) routes to specific hosts or networks. The table explains some commands that can be used to manage IP routing.

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