Regressão linear

Categoria: Machine Learning
Publicado em 11 de Julho de 2014

Cost Function


  • m: number of training sets
  • h theta: hipothesis function (see instructions below)
  • x: matrix where each columns represents a feature. Each line of the matrix is a training set. Number of lines of this matrix is equal to m.
  • y: vector with expected value for each training set. Number of lines of this vector is equal to m.


  • x to the power of (i) means the ith line of matrix m
  • y to the power of (i) means the ith element of vector y

Hipothesis function


  • theta is a vector with number of elements equal to number of features
  • x: matrix where each columns represents a feature. Each line of the matrix is a training set. Number of lines of this matrix is equal to m


  • theta to the power of T is the transpose of vector theta
  • the multiplication above is a matrix multiplication
  • the result of this function is a real number

Gradient Descent


  • j: value from 1..[number of features]
  • theta: is a vector with number of elements equal to number of features
  • alpha: learning rate. It is not possible to predict the best value for alpha. You should run the calculus a few times to discover the best value.
  • m: number of training sets
  • h theta: hipothesis function (see instructions above)
  • x: matrix where each columns represents a feature. Each line of the matrix is a training set. Number of lines of this matrix is equal to m.
  • y: vector with expected value for each training set. Number of lines of this vector is equal to m.


  • x to the power of (i) means the ith line of matrix m
  • y to the power of (i) means the ith element of vector y

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